About Anke
A highly experienced independent insurance broker, Anke specializes in health insurance and expat services. For over a decade she has helped her clients to navigate German bureaucracy, advising on visa applications, insurances and other requirements needed to settle in Germany. Due to the complexity of the German health insurance system, an important focus of her work is finding the health insurance plan that best matches each client’s individual situation and needs. Her early career as a healthcare professional has shaped her approach to this: in addition to applying her expertise tounderstand and anticipate her client’s needs, she brings empathy to her role to build lasting professional relationships founded on trust. Shhas profound expertise within the German healthcare and insurances sector – comprising the private and statutory systems, international insurance, travel insurance, KSK artist insurance and student insurance. Her clients are expats from the USA, Canada, Australia, Chile, South-Africa, Japan, Hongkong, Turkey, EU and other countries.
What is Künstlersozialkasse and how can I get in?
(KSK) supports artists to benefit from the German Social Security System. Social security for artists and writers (including journalists, editors, publicists) was introduced 1983, integrating selfemployed/freelance artists/writers into the statutory social insurance system. It involves compulsory statutory pension-, health- and
long-term nursing care insurance at financial conditions tailored to the individual’s income situation. Insured artists/writers pay only pay half oft he contributions (comparable to employees). The second part of the contribution, effectively the “employer’s contribution”, is financed via a levy paid by companies which utilise artistic and written works (referred to as the “artist social security contribution”) and via a Federal Government subsidy. Such a distribution of contributions payable means that artists and writers are in a better position compared to other selfemployed persons.